Indian Salary Calculator is an easy way to calculate salary for year 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
Following are the strp to calcluate the indian salary
1. Calculate Gross Salary:
First Calculate the Gross salary. Gross Salary is calculated by subtracting the Employer's contribution Provident Fund contribution(EPF) and Gratuity from Cost to Company(CTC).
Gross Salary = Cost to Company(CTC) - Employer's PF Contribution(EPF) - Gratuity.
2. Calculate Taxable Income: Taxable income is calculated by subtracting Conveyance Allowance, House Rent Allowance(HRA), Leave Travel Allowance(LTA) Professional Tax, Medical Bills, Medical Insurance, Tax Saving Investments .
Taxable Income = Gross Salary - Employee's PF Contribution(PF) - Conveyance Allowance - HRA - LTA - Medical Bills - Medical Insurance - Tax. Saving Investments - Other Deductions.
3. Calculate Income Tax: Calculate Income Tax based on income Tax Slabs and rates.
Following are the INCOME TAX SLAB
2017-2018 AND 2018-2019
Rs 0 - Rs 2,50,000 0%
Rs 2,50,000 - Rs 5,00,000 5%
Rs 5,00,000 - Rs 10,00,000 20%
Rs 5,00,000 ABOVE 30%
Additioanl TAX:
2% Educational cess and 1% Higher and Secondary cess ON INCOME TAX.
4. Calculate Take Home Salary; Subtract the Income Tax, Provident Fund (PF) and Professional Tax from the Gross Salary
Take Home Salary = Gross Salary - Income Tax - Employee's PF Contribution(PF) - Prof. Tax.
印度工资计算器来计算工资一年二零一七年至2018年和2018 - 2019年的简单方法。
工资总额=成本来公司(CTC) - 雇主的PF贡献(EPF) - 小费。
应纳税所得额=工资总额 - 员工的贡献PF(PF) - 运送津贴 - HRA - LTA - 医疗费 - 医疗保险 - 税收。节约投资 - 其他扣除。
二〇一七年至2018年和2018 - 2019年
0卢比 - 卢比2,50,000 0%
卢比2,50,000 - 卢比5,00,000 5%
卢比5,00,000 - 卢比10,00,000 20%
卢比5,00,000 30%以上
带回家工资=工资总额 - 所得税 - 员工的贡献PF(PF) - 税务教授。